Castello, the creatively crafted cheese, is proud to announce a partnership with Creative Neuroscientist Katherine Templar Lewis, who, after months of background experimentation and fine-tuning, have changed the way you experience cheese; with three simple, try-at-home experiments.
Carefully mixed with cutting edge neuroscience in the physical world led by Katherine Templar Lewis, Castello has developed a unique experience; one that uses a background of cutting edge technology and insight from the forefront of cognitive psychology, creatively connecting physical and virtual realities, all crafted together to trigger a neurological response even before you take a bite.
Celebrating the launch of its brand new Castello Extra Creamy Brie, the cheese brand has dived into the immersive world, showing how you can actually ‘change reality’ to shift the experience of taste from a functional process towards one of pure pleasure.
Try these ‘brain hacks’ out at home, and experience cheese in a totally different way. By changing the colour, texture and sound around you, you can actually change and enhance the flavour of the cheese.
- Touch –known as ‘haptic feedback’ the weight, texture and colour, even which fingers you use to hold the spoon will affect taste. Want to really taste the sweet creaminess? Put equal size portions of extra creamy brie on a metal and a plastic spoon – the metal spoon will enhance the creaminess and also perceived value of the cheese (good to know for dinner parties!).
- Sound –We all know how music can change our emotions, but pitch and even tempo will affect our taste buds too! Castello’s creative team spent time working out which sounds, tones and tempos have really enhance creaminess. High-pitch, wind and string instruments with a pattern of notes (called ‘bouba-kiki’) actually makes your brain taste more cream and sweetness in your mouth! Yum. [For a sample of this track please contact the PR contact below].
- Colour – Wouldn’t the world be boring without colour? It would taste pretty boring too. Different colour plates actually affect the perceived flavour and creaminess of the cheese you’re eating. Put equal amounts of cheese on a white, black and red plate; which tastes creamiest? The white plate will taste super creamy, the red super sweet! Now what wine to pair it with!
Drawing on her involvement in the partnership, Katherine Templar Lewis, explains “Recent scientific research has allowed us an exciting new insight into how flavour is created in the brain. By understanding how the five senses combine information to create the sensation we get when we eat we can, with a little creative intelligence, ‘hack them’. With a fusion of creativity and science we are altering your actual reality as you take each bite. We spent months fine-tuning the experience and have created an easy, at home experiment which enhances the flavour experience and delivers true sensation. Castello’s creatively crafted cheeses give you indulgent sensations every day, and it has been an exciting process delving into the world of Extra Creamy Brie to create an experience that will totally change how you experience cheese.”
Philip Holford, Senior Brand Manager for Castello said: “We are very proud about being one of the first movers into bringing mixed reality into your own home, which stays true to the innovative essence of Castello. We at Castello don’t believe eating should be one dimensional, so we’re pleased to have enabled our customers to enjoy the perfect serve in such a different way. The latest addition to our cheese portfolio, Extra Creamy Brie, is a creatively crafted take on the usual brie, delivering a taste sensation with each and every bite”
To find out more visit: www.castellocheese.com/en-gb/
Castello Extra Creamy brie delivers a rich buttery taste with a soft, creamy texture. Available in ASDA & Sainsburys now for an RRP of £2
Arla Foods is a global dairy company and co-operative owned by 11,200 dairy farmers with circa 2,500 of whom are British.
Dating back to 1881, Arla’s purpose is to secure the highest value for its farmers’ milk, while creating opportunities for their growth. With production facilities in 11 countries and sales offices in a further 30, Arla is the world’s fifth largest dairy company and largest supplier of organic dairy products. Arla has a total of more than 18,000 colleagues and its products are sold under the well-known brands Arla®, Lurpak® and Castello® in more than 100 countries.
Arla Foods UK is the largest dairy company in the country and is home to leading dairy brands Anchor®, Arla Cravendale®, and Arla Lactofree® with a turnover of €2.2 billion. The UK is largest market within the Europe Zone, contributing 35% of the zone’s turnover and also comprises 25% of the Group revenue.
As well as being a leading supplier of fresh milk, number one in butter, spreads and cream, Arla is the UK’s largest cheese manufacturer. It has also built the world’s largest fresh milk facility located at Aylesbury that later this year will become the first net zero carbon site of its kind. The UK business has a team of approximately 3,500 colleagues located at its dairies, creameries, distribution centres and head office.