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AFMP announces that its roadmap discussions are on track and moves to Code of Best Practice’s ‘purchaser discretion’ contract mechanism
Arla Foods Milk Partnership confirms its discussions on defining the roadmap to full membership of Arla Foods amba are on track and its continued commitment to the dairy industry’s Voluntary Code of Best Practice on Contractual Relationships. As part of that, from 1 July 2013, AFMP will move to the ‘purchaser discretion’ contract mechanism of the Code.

Reece’s creamery wins four at Royal Bath and West show
Arla’s Malpas Creamery is celebrating today after an outstanding performance at this year’s Royal Bath and West Show. The creamery picked up a total of4 awards for its delicious Cheshire, proving it to be in a class of its own.

Sale of Crediton Dairy
Arla Foods amba has agreed to sell its Crediton Dairy milk drinks business to a management buy-out team led by former Milk Link chief executive Neil Kennedy and former Milk Link group finance director Tim Smiddy.

Arla Foods amba to increase price by 1.7ppl to 31.91ppl from 27 May
Arla Milk Link farmers are to receive a 1.7 pence increase on their standard litre price, from 27 May, as a result of Arla Foods amba increasing its on-account price to its 12,400 cooperative members.

Arla joins third phase of the Courtauld Commitment
For the third consecutive phase, Arla has joined the grocery sector in continuing to show its commitment to reducing food and drink waste, becoming one of 45 signatories joining the third phase of the Courtauld Commitment.

Arla and FDQ drive forward new standard for food safety training
In a drive for increased consumer protection and industry excellence, the UK’s largest dairy company, Arla Foods, has pioneered a unique new take on dairy specific food safety training in the industry.

Arla raises milk price for June
Arla Foods UK is raising its price to Arla Foods Milk Partnership farmers (AFMP) and both groups of its direct suppliers, for conventional milk by 1.25ppl, and by 2ppl for organic milk, with effect from 1 June 2013.

Milk price increase for Arla Milk Link owners
Arla Foods amba is raising its on account price from April 29 by 1.06ppl, as a result of improved business performance and increases in global commodity prices which are having a positive impact on the retail market, globally. The price rise takes the Arla Milk Link standard litre to 30.21 pence.

Arla Foods and AFMP ready to define roadmap for membership of the cooperative
Arla Foods amba and Arla Foods Milk Partnership (AFMP) farmer directors are in discussions to define the process of clarifying the roadmap for what is required for AFMP members to become owners of Arla.

Arla Foods Annual Report 2012
Today, Arla Foods has published its Annual Report 2012 in addition to a separate CSR report which highlights how the company is fulfilling its social, ethical and economic responsibilities.

A landmark result for 2012 despite a challenging marketplace
Mergers, acquisitions and strong brands were behind the significant rise in Arla's turnover in 2012. Despite significant price pressure on the global market in the first half of the year, Arla delivered results in line with expectations.

Arla Foods launches direct milk supply contract
Arla Foods is leading the industry by launching what it believes is the first milk supply contract fully compliant with all aspects of the Dairy Industry Voluntary Code of Best Practice on Contractual Relationships.